
Internet Service Bundles

If you are considering cable TV, a new cell phone plan or new telephone service, you could give a boost to your budget by signing up for an Internet service bundle instead of paying for separate plans.  More companies than ever offer these Internet service bundles.  Your savings can typically start at approximately $20 a month depending on the combination of services you choose.

Most providers offer lower prices for bundles versus standalone services. Bundles can include other great services like home phone and TV.

Many consumers can get a discount for signing up for more than one service from the start. If the provider you’re interested in offers 1- or 2-year contracts, you may be able to lock in a lower promotional rate long-term.

You will save the most money as a new customer, especially when ordering on the Internet. When deciding to combine your Internet needs with another service, shop around for a new company and compare the deals they offer with what your current provider can do for you. After some research, call your current service back. The sales rep may be able to make you a competitive offer if you tell them which company’s Internet service bundle you are considering.

When shopping for Internet service bundles with cable TV or a long distance telephone company, check the fine print. You may be charged an additional fee for equipment or state taxes and fees that apply to one or all services. Do you have a DSL or cable modem? If you need the company to supply such equipment, be prepared to pay a separate one-time or monthly for these items. It helps to use a calculator for these expenses; you may find these equipment fees to be more reasonable than if you had purchased the gear yourself. Sometimes the opposite is true, but it all depends on the company.

Another important consideration is the length of the Internet service bundle contract. There’s a double-edged issue with contracts. If you get an excellent introductory rate, how long can you stay locked into that rate? Will you pay a higher fee in six months? A year? Two years? A longer contract is a good idea if the monthly rate continues at the introductory price, but some companies offer those rates for a limited time only. Know before you sign.

Some people forget that companies offer Internet-only promotions, as well as newspaper or mailer coupons meant to be redeemed on the company’s web site. Try shopping online for Internet service combined with cell phone or cable TV, the prices you find may surprise you compared with the rates displayed in newspaper or TV ads.

Some of the latest offers are:

  • 4-way bundle – Get TV, Internet service, home phone, and mobile phone service all in one.
  • Satellite with DSL – If you prefer satellite TV, ask the satellite provider if they offer a Satellite/DSL bundle
  • DSL/Phone – AT&T, and others, now offer only DSL with Phone service bundle. This is also good for those who want satellite, or have an ongoing cable service they don’t want to break.

In summary, here are tips for saving the most money:

  • Equipment (modems/routers/etc) – Make sure the equipment is not extra. If you have to pay a monthly rental on your modem for 2 years it adds up! If they don’t provide, go elsewhere or buy your own modem/router/whatever!
  • Lenth of service terms – Ask for a package that doesn’t expire after 6-months or a year (unless you don’t plan on using it longer than that).
  • Go Big! – Believe it or not, signing up for a package that has “all you’ll ever need” can often save money. That way you don’t have to upgrade down the road – when the special deal is off!
  • Don’t accept up-selling – Know what you want, and accept no more! If they try to upsell you – resist!

Internet service bundles are often a great money-saver as long as you shop smart and compare the current promotions against what you are paying now. With a little homework, you can find a great deal on two services or more with a single subscription.