

Dialup Internet

Compare Dial Up Internet Service Plans

Dial-up Internet service operates through the public telephone network; dial-up equipment consists of a dial-up modem connected to a home phone line. Subscribers establish a dial-up connection by “dialing in” for a connection each time
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Internet Service Bundles

Internet Service Bundles

If you are considering cable TV, a new cell phone plan or new telephone service, you could give a boost to your budget by signing up for an Internet service bundle instead of paying for
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All About Dial-Up Internet Service

Dial-up Internet service is still the most common type of internet connection used by consumers today (believe it, or not), and usually the least expensive.  It’s simple, inexpensive, simple, and portable.  Dial-up Internet service is
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Internet Security

Computer Security

Computer Security is simply a safeguard against unauthorized use of your computer.  Although it may seem silly to worry about security precautions, over 55% of online users surveyed claim they had been infected with Spyware*! 
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Broadband Internet

How Broadband Internet Service Works

Broadband Internet service is basically any connection to the Internet capable of connecting at 256 kilobits per second or higher. By comparison, dialup is capable of 56 kilobits per second. Standard dialup internet service requires
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