
Satellite Internet Providers

Satellite Internet service alone and bundled with Satellite TV

If DSL or cable internet service are unavailable in your area, you can still get a fast connection to the web.  Satellite Internet Providers have a great alternative for consumers that want a high speed Internet connection but are living in a rural area. Many satelite ISPs do not offer satellite internet service themselves, but offer it as a bundle with their own satellite TV service.

Satellite download speeds are better than in the past with speeds up to 12Mbps download, which is very comparable to a standard DSL connection for the home or small office. However, your performance will vary based on location and even weather conditions. Also, keep in mind that satellite internet service is rarely unlimited data. Prices quoted below are based on online orders only.

Satellite ProviderFeaturesData AllowanceLine SpeedOffer
Dish Net
Save $10/mo or $240 with TV bundle
Nationwide Coverage
Speeds as fast as 4G
Internet Only - $19.99/mo.
5GB Anytime Data + 5GB Bonus DataUp to 10 Mbps$19.99/mo.
Fastest residential satellite internet in the U.S.
Quick, simple installation.
3-year Price Lock Guarantee.
Data allowance based on plan - from 40 to 150GB/mo.
Most plans come with 100 GB of data.
Up to 150 MbpsBronz 12 $50/mo.
$70/mo after 3 months

Hughes Net Satellite Internet
Free standard installation
15–200GB/mo.Up to 100 MbpsStarting at $49.99/mo. for 12 months
Online Offer Only: Free HD or DVR receiver upgrade; Free installation; Free movie channels for 3 months.
100 GBUp to 100 Mbps$50/mo.
Tags : satellite